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Extending the purpose of this backwater
Posted by Tony on 4th March 2017 at 17:45:17
One of my resolutions for my new decade is to be less restrained when calling out bullshit, even when I know the world currently disagrees with me (or is similarly cowed into silence). On a little further reflection it is obvious that the main social media platforms have value beyond the fight zone, so it makes sense to try to stay more polite there than here, not that I am keen on using blatant offence to break people out of even their most destructive complacencies.

At the risk of only adding to the confusion, I should throw out a few one liners that are at the core of my values, but which few will ever risk agreeing with:

  • Seeing humans as (powerful) means, not ends;
  • Being rational without granting supremacy to Rationalism;
  • Being humane without granting supremacy to Humanism; (Other species have intrinsic worth, ecosystems more.)
  • Seeing oft proclaimed Jobs & Growth and Work or School imperatives as beyond disrespectful of individuals' core identity;
  • Being my own flavour of TransHumanist in which Trans stands for Transitional; and
  • While happy that minds are (powerful) maps, being concerned that too much is trusted to (especially digitised) maps without reference to territory.
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