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5.5 years on struggle for relevance continues
Posted by Tony on 3rd October 2017 at 15:33:33
In response to Secular Green Sex posted by Tony on 16th April 2012 at 11:04:13
Every day you are likely to come across evidence that somewhere deep in the mechanisms of democracy, some genuine good is being done. But that doesn't mean its tired, polarised and adversarial upper crust should be encouraged.

Maybe it would be nicer to not be a middle ranked news and politics junkie, but keeping somewhat up to date in those areas at least provides cover for failure to even think about so many other distractions that capture the multitudes. So let me indulge in making 2.5 of 3 harsh judgements.

Politics should be secular, yet the party that explicitly proclaims that has not just failed to get traction but aligned itself with some despicable "causes" reflecting how easy it is to slide to hating rather than understanding something personally rejected.

Just when Fiona Patten was getting traction for good and important work, she was talked into capitulating to the Prudish Empire, making my only political teeshirt an heirloom and grasping a poor Excuse.

The Greens I know best are extraordinary, as I am sure are others, but the party is struggling under weight of expectations, including mine that Adam Bandt who provided strong leadership from day one of the #EWfail campaign might do more with respect to #WestChoke which proposes an even bigger disaster for his electorate. The party also remains too captured by the mainstream in its endorsement of socially progressive causes.

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Secular Green Sex - Tony 11:04:13 16-Apr-12
5.5 years on struggle for relevance continues - Tony 15:33:33 03-Oct-17
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