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I had a meeting with Raskin
Posted by Tony on 24th October 2002 at 11:05:51
In response to Jef Raskin's "spiritual heir to Macintosh" posted by toby on 23rd October 2002 at 21:51:18
Back when all that was going on, and his story really isn't the Betamax of computing but rather of a person so fixated with his own ideas that he cannot recognise how and why things have turned out very different.

Jeff's ideas reminded me of what we had done at Teledata with Telebase a decade earlier when hardware resources were so expensive as to make the original 128K Mac look totally spendthrift. The connection I saw was their reliance on context dependent single keystroke input in preference to even a true command line, let alone a pointing device.

But he certainly does a good job of continuing to promote himself as the man who might have been.

As somebody who also worked a bit with Canon as it migrated from powerful programmable calculators towards PCs, I can certainly see how his thinking would have attracted them. Calculators too are keystroke oriented.

BTW, I fear I'm closing on the next killer app, not TransForum 2 itself so much as its application to collaborative archiving, but it's a bit early to say much more than that. Mitch Kapor also seems to be at much the same point about ideas that don't seem much different to ones he told be about in the late '80s re Agenda. Maybe it really does take 20 years to fully implement good ideas.

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Jef Raskin's "spiritual heir to Macintosh" - toby 21:51:18 23-Oct-02
I had a meeting with Raskin - Tony 11:05:51 24-Oct-02
Re: I had a meeting with Raskin - toby 20:31:46 14-Nov-02
Re: I had a meeting with Raskin - toby 19:40:10 24-Oct-02
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