This weekend was supposed to be dedicated to a second refactoring of my pan-zoom animation tool to get rid of some horizontal shake when zooming, but I've spent much of it checking out other details including further clarifying the bifurcation of the Delta puffer discussed in the post below and ever more writing. So before I break pan-zoom en route to fixing it, I thought I should at least post one example of a reaction found in one of several surveys of common collision outcomes, this one producing a p.16 oscillator unrelated to other oscillators commonly found in The Wild which follow the pattern of the ubiquitous p.8 in the opening frames of this animation, the resulting p.16 having more similarity to the prolific double diagonally symmetric seed that is formed in numerous ways including one diagonally symmetric collision which comes to dominate the growth of the diagonals in The Wild. (The seed for The Wild was a fortuitously mistaken close approximation of that seed.) |