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Re: One rant deserves another
Posted by toby on 17th September 2010 at 01:51:31
In response to One rant deserves another posted by nif on 15th September 2010 at 02:44:10

And what about the principle of a mathematical proof having rigour? Jordi denounces the inscrutable tool used to create the proof but not the negligent mathematician who accepts the partial proof as valid!

And why would anyone pay for a software package and then "tolerate" it?

All good questions.

Science "carried out in private" is burdened by many of the same concerns (reproducibility, transparency of tools, lock-in, etc).

But isn't Science carried out in public, by definition? What about peer review? Has Mathematica become (like Windows aspires) the required "pass" to participate in scientific process?

Wolfram Research has never been a transparent company. I think the dangers pointed out by Jordi are real, and vastly underestimated.

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"Mathematica is unscientific" - toby 10:14:38 14-Sep-10
Belated recovery even here - 23:18:19 09-Jan-11
Re: "Mathematica is unscientific" - GingerYeo 02:15:34 06-Nov-10
Be careful what you wish for - Tony 20:21:53 22-Sep-10
One rant deserves another - nif 02:44:10 15-Sep-10
Re: One rant deserves another - toby 01:51:31 17-Sep-10
Re: One rant deserves another - nif 22:18:53 17-Sep-10
Re: One rant deserves another - toby 00:27:39 21-Sep-10
Re: One rant deserves another - nif 20:30:09 24-Sep-10
Re: One rant deserves another - quad 02:30:20 28-Sep-10
Re: One rant deserves another - toby 02:08:05 28-Sep-10
Re: One rant deserves another - toby 00:53:15 21-Sep-10
Burdening with expectations - Tony 15:36:23 14-Sep-10
Re: Burdening with expectations - quad 02:45:43 28-Sep-10
Re: Burdening with expectations - toby 01:53:54 17-Sep-10
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