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15k cars in 4 lanes, 23k in bus in 1, 22k on train
Posted by Tony on 3rd July 2011 at 07:39:35
The federal government's infrastructure adviser will consider whether it is feasible to use old tram tunnels underneath Wynyard station as a means of clearing clogged city streets.
According to the Department of Transport, the number of bus commuters who cross the bridge southbound between 7am and 9am (reached) 23,000 last year. In contrast, an average 22,600 rail passengers cross the bridge in the morning peak along with 15,400 cars.
Even if you generously allow 1.25 persons per car, it beggars belief that SMH reporter Jacob Saulwick could juxtapose those points without realising that it isn't the buses which are clogging city streets.

It is the buses they propose putting in the old tunnels which are currently serving as a car park.

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