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So near and yet so far
Posted by Tony on 27th May 2010 at 16:13:00
In response to The game has changed posted by Tony on 18th November 2008 at 19:58:43
Seems I've been posting everywhere other than here, though less often either way, these past five months. That doesn't mean my computers have been any less busy running viable seeds and revealing new possibilities in the endlessly interesting toy universe of Generations 345/3/6.

While my original most intensively studied seed "The Wild" hit capacity limits just short of 250,000 iterations, a fourth, uninspiringly numbered p140353 for reasons not worth trying to explain, just reached that landmark, so I've created a new directory of compressed rotated renderings of those evolved patterns.

I've pushed on with p140353 because it is the first to clearly promise interaction between ship rakes at an oblique angle. The lower quadrant in the rendering shows rakes with period 768 cells from deltified puffers to the left on a collision course with period 448 rakes from a naked Delta to the right. However the interaction has been recently delayed by a single fencing track between them, with the overloading and subsequent erosion of the fence only just starting to settle to period 768 as the complete pattern reached 250,000 iterations. While it looks likely that p140353 will get to 270,000 before hitting capacity limits, I'm leaving that a while to catch up with a few others I've left pending waiting time on the dedicated machine to reach my totally arbitrary rendering milestones.

For the record:

  • almost 300 seeds have been run to 100,000
  • nearly 70 of them run on to or beyond 150,000
  • I'm diverting a trickle of time to Generations 345/2/4 which is almost over the top
  • having long given up hope I found a ship moving at 45° during a 250+th run to 100,000
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The game has changed - Tony 19:58:43 18-Nov-08
Closure - Tony 02:29:10 19-Feb-11
Evidence for Sheldrake's morphic resonance? - Tony 19:58:24 11-Dec-10
So near and yet so far - Tony 16:13:00 27-May-10
n pictures worth 1,000 n words - Tony 15:39:58 21-Jul-10
Closing in on assorted goals - Tony 23:02:41 18-Oct-09
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