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Posted by Tony on 19th February 2011 at 02:29:10
In response to The game has changed posted by Tony on 18th November 2008 at 19:58:43
Having moved on for at least 2011 to exploring a new rule space, I've just completed the last significant rendering jobs and updated the placeholder page with links to many renderings, animations, etc., I've produced over the past couple of years.

One final act was to get the original seed pattern to 250,000, it having been the first rendered for canvas printing in late 2008, but long stuck just short of 250,000 by the limits of available computers. In the finish I took advantage of that pattern's symmetry and chopped off most of the lower half before running the top half and a sufficient buffer to 250,000, then running intermediate pixel data for those renderings through a simple filter to retain the top half and add a copy rotated 180°.

The other was to actually render the last third of the 500+ viable seeds run to 100,000, having done likewise for those run to 150,000 a couple of weeks earlier.

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The game has changed - Tony 19:58:43 18-Nov-08
Closure - Tony 02:29:10 19-Feb-11
Evidence for Sheldrake's morphic resonance? - Tony 19:58:24 11-Dec-10
So near and yet so far - Tony 16:13:00 27-May-10
Closing in on assorted goals - Tony 23:02:41 18-Oct-09
Overdue update - Tony 13:36:29 25-Jul-09
Showing some perspective (contains 2.4 Mb PNG) - Tony 11:07:23 31-May-09
48/(2/5) - 48/(8/13) = 120 - 78 = 42 - Tony 21:50:41 03-May-09
And another one - Tony 23:59:06 16-Mar-09
Whoa - Tony 16:39:55 30-Jan-09
Tools for story telling - Tony 14:58:35 26-Jan-09
Another fortuitous choice - Tony 21:05:02 12-Jan-09
The obligatory picture show - Tony 22:26:06 30-Nov-08
95% - Tony 12:34:51 27-Nov-08
More than six long days later - Tony 16:20:09 25-Nov-08
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