Having again paused Whoa at 250,000 iterations as it starts to show signs of approaching the capacity limit of the dedicated computer, it is shown here surrounded by four of the more active patterns at 100,000 iterations: - an otherwise typical core and ship streams with an unusually early tagalong-overload remote growth centre in one stream
- the other viable asymmetric ship collision, also shown at an earlier stage below
- a diagonally symmetric seed which appears quite frequently inside chaotic areas, at seed stage minimally different from the ubiquitous double diagonally symmetric seed but soon adorned with trails and tracks
- a distinctive bilaterally symmetric seed with axis row duplicated which guarantees early appearance of block trail laying engines
At full size, each pixel colour represents the aggregate state of 48x48 cells (or of a neighbouring tile so as to make sparse ships more visible). In contrast, the corresponding seed configurations are shown magnified 32x and in the black live, grey dying representation I have settled on for monochrome print.