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Posted by Tony on 27th November 2008 at 12:34:51
In response to The game has changed posted by Tony on 18th November 2008 at 19:58:43
95% is the figure that IT development projects are always stuck at, but in this case it both understates and overstates how far things are.

By overly simple arithmetic, iteration 190,000 is 95% of 200,000, though the live cell ratio is close to 7:10 so even the linked pic is a lot less than you are going to see once I can move the status of 200,000 from iterated to rendered.

But the linked pic is also clearly worth sharing. And it is 580K so I've provided a link to it below rather than having it jump straight out at you here.

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The game has changed - Tony 19:58:43 18-Nov-08
Closure - Tony 02:29:10 19-Feb-11
Evidence for Sheldrake's morphic resonance? - Tony 19:58:24 11-Dec-10
So near and yet so far - Tony 16:13:00 27-May-10
Closing in on assorted goals - Tony 23:02:41 18-Oct-09
Overdue update - Tony 13:36:29 25-Jul-09
Showing some perspective (contains 2.4 Mb PNG) - Tony 11:07:23 31-May-09
48/(2/5) - 48/(8/13) = 120 - 78 = 42 - Tony 21:50:41 03-May-09
And another one - Tony 23:59:06 16-Mar-09
Whoa - Tony 16:39:55 30-Jan-09
Tools for story telling - Tony 14:58:35 26-Jan-09
Another fortuitous choice - Tony 21:05:02 12-Jan-09
The obligatory picture show - Tony 22:26:06 30-Nov-08
95% - Tony 12:34:51 27-Nov-08
More than six long days later - Tony 16:20:09 25-Nov-08
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