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Steve's gongs
Posted by toby on 23rd June 2005 at 02:49:01
In response to The video, and: What was he really trying to say? posted by toby on 22nd June 2005 at 07:36:29
I received the following answer from Reed concerning Steve's honorary qualifications:
Steve Jobs, a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, CEO and chairman, Pixar; co-founder of Apple Computer, Inc.; founder of NeXT, Inc.; was awarded the National Technology Medal by President Reagan in 1985 as the creator of the modern personal computer interface.

Steve Jobs was also awarded the Howard Vollum Science Award from Reed College in 1991 (Howard Vollum, Reed Class of 1936, was cofounder of Tektronix Corporation).

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A speech well worth reading - Tony 21:04:31 15-Jun-05
The video, and: What was he really trying to say? - toby 07:36:29 22-Jun-05
Possibly a more valuable commencement address - toby 03:30:34 05-Jul-05
Steve's gongs - toby 02:49:01 23-Jun-05
Jobs' career in fact and myth - toby 10:15:42 16-Jun-05
Jobs on the job - Tony 12:34:40 17-Jun-05
Re: Jobs on the job - toby 08:21:37 18-Jun-05
Genius and madness ... - Tony 10:36:41 18-Jun-05
Ouch! - toby 15:32:38 18-Jun-05
Keith Henson as a "nett good" candidate - Tony 18:24:14 05-Jul-05
Fixed Malone's book link - toby 10:20:06 16-Jun-05
Ex-Guns N' Roses Drummer Cops Plea - WawDet 10:27:10 16-Nov-08
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