My 2009-12 burst of cellular automata–based research has been predicated on assumptions about separated zones of "chaotic core" generating "space ships" (and much else) that are in effectively random relation to each other. One such show stopper appeared when my original Wild Generations 345/3/6 seed was left running while I was down the coast in the summer of 2009, producing MargLyn named in honour of the proponent of symbiotic origins of eukaryotes, Lynn Margulis: The original production of the pair of blocks is not shown in the video but it was unrelated to the wide ship which ran into it. But the physics of our world is much different, Last summer, having recorded video of Cumbo Concert/Cabaret for the third year and staying on an extra couple of weeks because I could, I grabbed some hand held video of some kids doing their own gig which, with support from Myron and some parents, i condensed to two minutes and slotted in at 40:50 into the second half, The Dark, linked below. Around 5:00 am Thursday our time, Tim Cook introduced OneRepublic to close Apple's now only annual spring upgrade event and their first song sounded way too familiar. It took only moments for my mind to connect it to that two minutes of video which by its nature I've had to watch a lot more than our regular acts. Despite that and a habit of digging out "original" versions os all those songs that are not the true Cumbo originals that Myron is encouraging, I had only identified two of the five I'd clipped into the youngsters' medley. Then this interplay between otherwise independent events in San Francisco and Cumberland River revealed Counting Stars as another. |